Saturday, September 18, 2010

Feeling like Fall and Fish in Tamarind Sauce

Wow...I've been completely busy lately and haven't had time for much.  Finally I seem to be caught up with my life.  Here is an old post sitting in my draft that I can now publish. =)

Labor Day has barely just passed and it's already starting to feel like fall.  Yesterday, I woke up to a gray sprinkling skies that if had appeared a month earlier, would have been quite depressing.  But today, it fitted beautifully into my September morning. 

I've been so busy lately with working and some other things involving Nhat's car accident.  I haven't had much time to cook, but this weekend, I was determined to get some home cooked food into our bellies.  This recipe was inspired by a Thai restaurant that Nhat and I went to over the weekend to meet my friend and her fiance.  We saw a dish for Sea Bass and Tamarind Sauce.  We have a huge block of tamarind that we've bought and used throughout the years and fish and tamarind sauce was very intriguing.

The next day I search online and apparently fish and tamarind sauce is a very common and authentic recipe in Thailand.  I found a recipe that seem easy and I had all the ingredients so I went with it.
My results..a delicious, sweet, tangy and spicy fish dish.  Since I measured out the ingredients by eye, I accidentally made my sauce a little too sweet...but it was still delicious nonetheless.  I think this recipe is normally made with a whole fish, but I had fillets which worked out great.

I'm so happy I have another fish recipe to add to my repertoire.

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